This is Ben's 3rd birthday. We had two parties...one for Jeremy's family at their house and one for my family at Discovery Park. There's no pictures of Ben's cousins that came because I don't know how the mom would feel about me posting pictures of them. There's also no pictures of my sister's kids that came to the park because I know she wouldn't want me to post them. It was a lot of fun and I am so glad to have a 3-year old.

Jeremy's mom and aunt came to the park. The closest ones are my mom and dad.

My dad doing his half smile. Apparently we don't get a real smile from him.

Noah playing with the swords.

Ben concentrating very hard on decorating his shield.

Noah's finished shield.

The pinata and me looking pregnant-I'm not!

Blowing out candles. We had to huddle around it because the wind was blowing so bad.

One of the many reasons I fell in love with this man.

Playing with balloons.

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!"

Eating cupcakes.

Opening presents.

Blowing bubbles.

His new bowling set.

The game Noah picked out for him.

Dart gun and dart board. I now halfway regret buying this for him as he has shot me numerous times with it. So has Jeremy for that matter.

Dancing to the musical card.

Playing on the slip'n slide he got.