So I can't figure out how to arrange them so that I can write about them right next to them, so I'll just tell you what they are right here.
1-The kids and I just playing around with the camera.
2-Sorry to show you Jeremy's butt crack but I couldn't resist getting a picture of the fake tattoo he had right here. Bwahaha.
3-Clearly Ben playing with chalk.
4-Ben took marker to Jeremy's truck. Permanent marker. He was not pleased.
5 & 6-In 6 the dog ran in front of Noah, causing him to have to move. In 5, this is the result of the near crash with the dog.
7-Ben got stuck behind the couch. Ha ha.
8 & 9-More of the permanent marker in Jeremy's truck. =)
10-The hole from the leak in the pipes in the ceiling (the smaller version of the hole, I didn't get the bigger one).
11 & 12-The fixing of the hole (Ben wanted to help).
13-Ben playing in Grandma's laundry basket. Oops. Lol.
14 & 16-Noah's and Ben's fake tattoos, respectively.
15-Ben being silly for the camera. He's such a ham.
17-Playing Pirates. Aargh.
18-Playing on Daddy's Bug that he will be restoring one day. =)
So those are the pictures from March and the beginning of April, until I lost the camera (well, forgot where I put it anyhow). Thanks for looking.
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